Are there any items that cannot be shipped?
Yes. Prohibited items include:
- Firearms, signal guns, air guns, gas arms, ammunition, cold steel arms (including throwing weapons), electric shock devices and spark gaps, as well as major parts of a firearm
- Narcotics of any origin, psychotropic substances
- Radioactive substances
- Gunpowder, explosive, corrosive, flammable and other hazardous substances
- Drugs, food supplements, vitamins
- Animals and plants
- Food, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes
- Human remains and organs
- Antiques
- Jewelry, precious metals, and stones
- Works of art
- Cash and cash instruments in any form: money orders, checks, vouchers, securities, bonds, coupons, promotions, credit cards
- Postage stamps
- Products and publication of obscene content, pornography of any kind
- Items prohibited by the World Association of Transport
- Items which require export licensing by the State Department or Commerce Department must be
- accompanied by a license
- Items that may pose a risk to workers, transporting parcels, soil or damage other items and equipment by their nature or packaging.
For all the newest information and additional details please refer to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website:
How much does it cost to ship a package?
The price depends on different factors. Use our built-in cost calculator, to determine the expenses of shipment based on parcel’s weight, the destination country, and other parameters.
What shipping options do you offer?
With us, your parcel travels either by air in a plane or by water in a container ship. While shipping by air is quicker, container ships tend to be slower but more cost-effective.
Where can I drop off my package?
At our nearest pick-up point. Find the closest one here: [link to pick up points].
What will it cost to insure my package?
Will I have to pay customs fees?
Customs fees largely depend on the country your parcel is traveling to. For the newest up-to-date information, contact us here: